Wednesday, 24 May 2017

Creating paint patterns

We had lots of fun making patterns using paint and our paint spinner. We explored using different coloured paints and spinning the dial quickly and slowly to see which would create the best pattern.

Helping with the photocopier

We came to help Mrs Burge at the photocopier. We all took turns to put in the number of copies and press the button.

First time on our large climbing frame

Today we enjoyed exploring our large climbing frame. We had lots of fun working out how to get from one side to the other.

Wednesday, 17 May 2017

We have Ducklings!

Such happy news today…

two of our eggs hatched, so we now have two extra members of nursery for a short time!

One hatched over night and was waiting for the teachers when they got to school this morning and the other hatched as the teachers watched before their staff meeting this morning. We managed to catch it on video and posted it on our Twitter page, its definitely worth a watch!

The children were fantastic and loved meeting our new friends, morning nursery had a vote and named the biggest duckling 'Tiddles' Afternoon will get to name the smallest duckling.

Together we set up the ducklings new home with food, water and a heater.

Monday, 15 May 2017

The Duck eggs are cracking!

It was very exciting today…the duck eggs began to crack!

We are so excited to meet our new additions!

The children have been so excited, they wanted to be in their own eggs to break out of!

Phonics PE

Today during our PE lesson we also practiced our phonics. We had to run around until Mrs Harrison called out a letter sound, we had to find the letter and then listen for the words with that initial sound and then move our bodies to represent the word.

For example we found the letter 't' and has to stretch tall like a tower or stretch and sway like a tree in the wind. For the letter 'a' we curled up in a ball like an apple and moved slowly with giant steps like we were astronauts walking on the moon.

Monday, 8 May 2017

Water Play

The boys in afternoon nursery spent a lot of their session exploring the water pump and  finding out what happened when they attached different pipes.  

It was great fun looking at how the water changed direction and what happens when there was a gap in the pipes! They had the water shooting about in all directions!!

Tuesday, 2 May 2017


Today Juliet chose to make a runway for her lego aeroplane using the paper, tape and pens.

She did a fantastic job!

Duck Eggs - Candling

Today the lady from Rand Farm came back to check our eggs to see if the eggs had a living duck in or not. It is called candling, she shone a light on the bottom of the egg if it glows orange/red it means there is nothing alive in the egg, if just the bottom lights up white it means there is a duck inside growing.

The exciting news is we have FOUR live eggs!!